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Q: What is the Cross County Sheriff's Foundation?

The foundation is a non-profit corporation designed to give citizens a way to provide financial support beyond the scope of the Sheriff's normal operating budget.  Your tax-deductible donations are commonly used for the purchase of general equipment, safety equipment, training materials and equipment, college scholarships to Sheriff's Office employees, renovation and remodeling of facilities, and for any other thing or activity that contributes to the betterment of the Sheriff's Office -- basically, anything that would help the Cross County Sheriff's Office and its employees provide better service to the citizens of Cross County.

Q: How Do I Donate?

There are several ways to make a donation. You can donate online by visiting the Donate page. You can contact any Foundation Board Member or see your financial attorney or advisor.

Want to discuss this before you donate? Arrange a visit with Sheriff West or Chief Deputy Larry Jones at his office or with any member of the Foundation's Board of Directors. Click on the Contact Us tab to set up an appointment or call the Sheriff's Office at 870-238-5700.

Q: Is it Tax Deductible?

Yes! The Cross County Sheriff's Foundation is a non-profit 501c3 corporation. This means that all private donations will be tax deductible for the donor. The Foundation will issue an official receipt to all donors for tax purposes.

Q:  May I Donate Property or Leave Property in my Estate?

Yes, the Sheriff's Foundation may accept donations of real property or personal property that may be suitable for use by the Sheriff's Office or its employees. Examples include high-quality exercise equipment and land or homes that can be sold. You can also designate that a portion of your estate goes to the Sheriff's Foundation. Take a look at the Donor Hall of Fame tab for gifts we've received.

Potential donations of real property will be reviewed by the Foundation's Board of Directors before acceptance of real property is decided upon.

Q: May I Specify How the Money Will Be Spent?

Absolutely, you may specify how your donation is to be used. Ideas include bulletproof vests, Tasers, new modern weapons, technology or software, specialized training, or even a remote-control car to teach the kids about the dangers of drugs.

As long as the designation is not in conflict with the Foundation's charter and objectives, you may specify how the funds are to be used.

Alternatively, donations may be made for the general use and benefit of the Sheriff's Office as may be determined by the Foundation's Board of Directors.

Q: What Kinds of Things Will the Money the Used For?

Donated funds are commonly used for the purchase of general equipment, safety equipment, training materials and equipment, college scholarships to Sheriff's Office employees, renovation and remodeling of facilities, and for any other thing or activity that is suitable for the advancement and promotion of law enforcement, public service, and other like objectives. The funds will also be used for new state-of-the-art training for the officers and staff.  

Q: Who Do I Contact for More Information?

If you would like more information, feel free to arrange an appointment with Sheriff West or any member of the Foundation's Board of Directors. Click on the Contact Us tab or call the Sheriff's Office at 870-238-5700 to make a request.

Q:  Why Do We Need it?

You read or hear about it daily in the news. County funds are limited and have to be spread across many county-wide needs. These limited public funds only go so far within the Sheriff's Office.

The needs of the Sheriff's Office and its employees are many and varied. Unfortunately, available public funds are insufficient to meet the needs of the Sheriff's Office or to allow it to excel in its mission of service to the public. Support from private donations allows for the Sheriff's Office to provide a higher standard of service and protection that can be provided only with the limited public funding currently available.

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